How to find what kind of seatbelt you have.

There are many different types of seatbelts. Even if you find a set from the same vehicle, different manufacturers will put different types of seatbelts in the vehicles. 

How to find out what stage seatbelt you have. 

You are able to find out what stage seatbelt you have by counting the plugs located on the seatbelt retractor and pretensioner (that’s if your seatbelt has a pretensioner). 

Single stage seat belt


Single stage seatbelt has one plug on the retractor and will not have an attachment for pretensioner. 


If you have a single stage. There’s a high chance you have a buckle pretensioner, the part you clip into. 

These buckle pretentioners scrunch in after an accident, allowing you to be more secure in your seat. 

Vehicles 2009 and below will almost always have a single stage seatbelt

Dual stage seatbelts. 

2015 Subaru Forester 2

Dual stage seatbelt has one plug on the retractor and one plug on the anchor pretensioner. 


There are also some seatbelts with no pretensioners, but 2 plugs on the seatbelt retractors, making it a dual stage seatbelt as well. 

Triple stage seatbelt. 

triple-stage-seat-belt-repair (1)

Triple stage seatbelt will have 2 plugs on the seatbelt retractor and a charge on the pretensioner as well. 

Most Volkswagen and newer vehicles will have the dual stage seatbelts.